How long, in seconds, is required for a car traveling at a speed of 32 km/hr to travel 110 m?

To calculate the time required for a car to travel a certain distance, you can use the formula:

time = distance / speed

First, convert the speed from km/hr to m/s. To do this, divide the speed by 3.6 (since 1 km/hr is equal to 0.2778 m/s).

So, the speed in m/s is:

32 km/hr ÷ 3.6 = 8.89 m/s (approx.)

Now, using the formula mentioned earlier:

time = distance / speed

Substitute the values of distance and speed provided in the question:

time = 110 m / 8.89 m/s

Calculating this equation will give you the time required for the car to travel 110 m at a speed of 32 km/hr.