how do you find the height of a triangle with an area of 245 square inches and a base of 14 inches.

Formulas for a Triangle

perimeter- a + b + c
semi perimeter- a + b + c ÷ 2
area- base • height ÷ 2
base- 2 • area ÷ height
height- 2 • area ÷ base

h= 2 • 245² in ÷ 14 inches = 35

perimeter,triangle,.17m base,12.7cm congruent legs,8.8cm height

The answer would be 17.5 in because 245 in divided by 14 in would equal 17.5 in do the math... your welcome

To find the height of a triangle, given its area and base, you can use the formula for the area of a triangle: A = (1/2)bh, where A represents the area, b denotes the base, and h represents the height.

Based on the formula, you know the area ( A = 245 square inches) and the base ( b = 14 inches). Substituting these values into the formula, you can solve for the height ( h):

245 = (1/2) * 14 * h

First, simplify the formula by multiplying the base (14) with the height (h):

245 = 7h

Then, isolate the height by dividing both sides of the equation by 7:

h = 35

Therefore, the height of the triangle is 35 inches.