In the article, "How Lethal Was the K-T Impact?" by Richard A. Kerr and Virginia Morell, what is listed as part of the related subject matter?



Its actually Asteroids.....I just took the test and Mexico was wrong.

To find out what is listed as part of the related subject matter in the article "How Lethal Was the K-T Impact?" by Richard A. Kerr and Virginia Morell, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by locating the article itself. You can do this by searching for its title in a search engine or by accessing it through a scientific journal database or website.

2. Once you have found the article, open it and navigate to the main text. Look for a section, usually near the beginning or end of the article, that discusses related subject matter or provides a list of related topics.

3. In this section, the authors may mention other relevant research articles, studies, or books that delve into the same topic or related issues. They may also provide brief summaries or explanations of these related subjects.

4. Read through this section to identify what is listed as part of the related subject matter. It could be specific events, theories, concepts, or other scientific findings that are relevant to understanding the impact of the K-T event.

5. If the article does not have a dedicated section concerning related subject matter, you can still scan the entire article for any references or mentions of related topics. Pay attention to any sources or citations that the authors use to support their arguments or research.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify what is listed as part of the related subject matter in the article "How Lethal Was the K-T Impact?"