Determine the name of the quadrilateral that fits the given property.

Only one pair of opposite sides is parallel. This quadrilateral is a _________.

A. kite
B. rectangle
C. rhombus
D. square
E. trapezoid


In google type :

Only one pair of opposite sides is parallel

When you see lis of resuts click on :

Quadrilaterals - Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, Trapezoid ...

To determine the name of the quadrilateral that fits the given property, let's analyze the options:

A. Kite: A kite does not have parallel opposite sides, so it does not fit the given property.

B. Rectangle: A rectangle has both pairs of opposite sides parallel, so it does not fit the given property.

C. Rhombus: A rhombus has opposite sides parallel, but both pairs are parallel. Therefore, it does not fit the given property.

D. Square: A square has both pairs of opposite sides parallel, so it does not fit the given property.

E. Trapezoid: A trapezoid has only one pair of opposite sides parallel, which is the condition stated in the question. Therefore, the correct answer is E. Trapezoid.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the properties of different types of quadrilaterals and how they relate to the given information. In this case, we can eliminate options by considering the properties of each quadrilateral until we find the one that fits the given condition of having only one pair of opposite sides parallel.