Whice statement about public opinion polls is NOT True?

a) in modern election campaigns, politicians have almost never used public opinion polls.
b) politicians use polls in order to help them make decisions about whether to run for office, what policies to support, and what types of appeals to make their campaigns.
c) most recent presidents and other major political figures have worked closely with polls and pollsters.
d) polling is an attempt to scientifically measure public opinion.

The answer must be a.

The correct answer is: a) in modern election campaigns, politicians have almost never used public opinion polls.

To determine which statement is not true, we can analyze each option:

a) In modern election campaigns, politicians have almost never used public opinion polls.
This statement is not true. In modern election campaigns, politicians commonly use public opinion polls as a valuable tool to gauge public sentiment and help inform their campaign strategies.

b) Politicians use polls in order to help them make decisions about whether to run for office, what policies to support, and what types of appeals to make their campaigns.
This statement is true. Politicians often rely on public opinion polls to assess the viability of their candidacy, understand the issues that resonate with voters, and tailor their campaign messages accordingly.

c) Most recent presidents and other major political figures have worked closely with polls and pollsters.
This statement is true. It is common for recent presidents and other prominent political figures to collaborate with pollsters and use polling data to shape their policies and political strategies.

d) Polling is an attempt to scientifically measure public opinion.
This statement is true. Public opinion polling is a scientific method used to gather data and insights about the views, preferences, and attitudes of the general public on various issues.

Therefore, the false statement is option a) in modern election campaigns, politicians have almost never used public opinion polls.