P-->P1(-8,-3) for the glide reflection where the translation is (x,y)-->(x-2,y-5) and the line of reflection is y=-x find the coordinates of P.

Can someone please help

im with you gemotry 8

To find the coordinates of point P after the glide reflection, you need to apply both the translation and the reflection.

1. Translation:
The translation is given by (x,y) --> (x-2, y-5). Let's apply this translation to point P1:
x = -8 - 2 = -10
y = -3 - 5 = -8

After the translation, point P1 becomes P2(-10, -8).

2. Reflection:
The line of reflection is y = -x. To reflect a point about this line, you need to swap the x and y coordinates and take the opposite sign.

Let's apply the reflection to point P2:
x = -(-8) = 8
y = -(-10) = 10

After the reflection, point P2 becomes P(8,10).

Therefore, the coordinates of point P after the glide reflection are (8, 10).