Did thomas paine beleive america should be a british colony or a continent of many nations?

What do you think? Why?

i think a continent of many nations because he was aginst the british in the "common sence"

am i right

Yes, you're right.


You're welcome.

Thomas Paine did not believe that America should be a British colony. In fact, he was a staunch supporter of American independence. Paine was a political activist and writer who played a significant role in advocating for the American Revolution. He is best known for his influential pamphlet titled "Common Sense," published in 1776.

To understand Paine's views on whether America should be a continent of many nations, it is essential to look into his later works. In his book "The Rights of Man," published in 1791, Paine argued for the establishment of a republican form of government in America. He believed that America, as an independent nation, should be structured as a federal republic, with power distributed among states or regions. Thus, he did not advocate for America to be divided into separate nations but rather emphasized the idea of a united nation with decentralized governmental structure.

To delve deeper into Paine's ideas and gain a comprehensive understanding of his perspectives, it is recommended to examine his various writings, including "Common Sense" and "The Rights of Man," as they provide a more detailed analysis of his thoughts on American independence and governance.