kanye spelled 23 out of 25 words correctly on this test. write the percent of words he spelled correctly as a percent, a fraction, and a decimal.


23/25 = 0.92 = 92/100 = 92%


15/23 in lowest terms yes or no

To find the percent of words Kanye spelled correctly, we can use the formula:

Percent = (Number of words spelled correctly / Total number of words) * 100

In this case, Kanye spelled 23 out of 25 words correctly. So, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Percent = (23 / 25) * 100

To calculate this, divide 23 by 25 and then multiply by 100. This yields:

Percent = 0.92 * 100 = 92%

Therefore, Kanye spelled 92% of the words correctly.

Now let's express this as a fraction. The fraction is simply the number of words spelled correctly (23) over the total number of words (25):

Fraction = 23/25

Finally, let's express this as a decimal. We can convert a percentage to a decimal by moving the decimal point two places to the left. In this case, the decimal representation is:

Decimal = 0.92

So, to summarize:

Kanye spelled 23 out of 25 words correctly:
- Percent: 92%
- Fraction: 23/25
- Decimal: 0.92