A cube of side length of 11cm and a mass of 2000g has what density?

density = mass/volume

= 2000 g/11^3 cm^3 = appr 1.50 g/cm^3

To find the density of an object, you need to know its mass and volume. The formula for calculating density is:

Density = Mass / Volume

In this case, you already have the mass of the cube, which is 2000g. To find the volume of the cube, you need to calculate the volume of a cube using the formula:

Volume = (side length)^3

So, in this case, the side length of the cube is 11cm:
Volume = (11cm)^3

To calculate the volume, you need to cube the side length, which means multiplying it by itself three times:

Volume = 11cm * 11cm * 11cm

Calculating this, you get:

Volume = 1331 cm^3

Now that you have the mass (2000g) and the volume (1331 cm^3) of the cube, you can calculate its density by dividing the mass by the volume:

Density = 2000g / 1331 cm^3

Calculating this, you get:

Density ≈ 1.5 g/cm^3

Therefore, the density of the cube is approximately 1.5 g/cm^3.