how do you say head in spanish


To say "head" in Spanish, you would say "cabeza." The word "cabeza" is pronounced as "ka-beh-tha."

In general, when you want to know the translation of a word into Spanish, you can follow these steps to find the answer:

1. Use an online translator: You can use online translation websites or apps like Google Translate, Bing Translator, or WordReference. Simply type the word you want to translate into the provided input box, select the target language as Spanish, and click on the "Translate" button. The translation and pronunciation will be shown.

2. Spanish-English dictionary: You can refer to a Spanish-English dictionary, either online or in print. Look up the word you want to translate, and it should provide you with the Spanish equivalent along with its pronunciation.

3. Language learning resources: If you're learning Spanish, using language learning resources like textbooks, language learning apps, or language exchange websites can help you find the translation of words and phrases.

Remember, while online translators are convenient, they may not always provide accurate translations or proper context. It's always helpful to cross-reference multiple sources when seeking translations or learning a new language.