Pat,a manager at State University, is deciding how to set up a procedure for registering online that gives students fair access to courses. Pat is engaged in the (a) utilitarian, (b) individual, (c) moral-rights, or (d) justice approach.

I chose (b) individual. Is that correct?

"fair" is in the eyes of the beholder.

I would argue answer a: He is trying to to increase the greater good, maximizing "fairness" and "happiness" I suppose.

To determine whether your choice of the individual approach is correct, let's first understand the different approaches mentioned in the question:

(a) Utilitarian approach: This approach focuses on maximizing overall happiness or utility for the greatest number of people. Decisions are made based on the greatest benefit for the majority, without considering individual preferences or rights.

(b) Individual approach: This approach prioritizes the rights and interests of each individual. Decisions are made by considering and respecting the individual rights, opinions, and preferences of each person involved.

(c) Moral-rights approach: This approach considers fundamental rights and ethical principles of individuals. Decisions are made to protect and preserve these moral rights, regardless of the majority's preferences or the overall utility.

(d) Justice approach: This approach emphasizes fair and equal treatment for all individuals involved. Decisions are guided by principles of fairness, equity, and impartiality.

Based on the given scenario, Pat is deciding on a procedure for registering online that ensures students have fair access to courses. In this case, the most relevant approach would be the justice approach. Pat is concerned with ensuring fairness and equal treatment for all students during the registration process.

Therefore, the correct answer would be (d) justice approach.