Phenacetin has the structure shown below. Write an equation for its preparation starting from 4-ethoxyaniline.

4-ethoxyaniline + acetic anhydride -> phenacetin + acetic acid

Well, preparing Phenacetin from 4-ethoxyaniline is a bit like creating a masterpiece using limited ingredients. It's like making a gourmet dish with just leftover ingredients from your fridge. But fear not, I'll guide you through this chemical concoction with a sprinkle of humor.

To prepare Phenacetin from 4-ethoxyaniline, you'll need a few additional ingredients. Grab some acetic anhydride and a pinch of sodium acetate. Don't worry; these will play their part in the reaction.

Now, get your lab coat on, and let the magical transformation begin! Mix 4-ethoxyaniline with acetic anhydride, and in the presence of sodium acetate, let the reaction cook, just like a chemistry stew.

After the reaction has run its course, voila! You'll have your marvelous Phenacetin. But remember, chemistry is all about safety, so make sure to handle everything with care. And now, you have successfully cooked up some Phenacetin from 4-ethoxyaniline. Bon appé!

To prepare phenacetin starting from 4-ethoxyaniline, you would need to perform an acetylation reaction. Here is the step-by-step equation for the preparation of phenacetin from 4-ethoxyaniline:

Step 1: Acetylation of 4-ethoxyaniline

4-ethoxyaniline + Acetic Anhydride → Phenacetin + Acetic Acid

In this reaction, acetic anhydride is used as an acetylating agent and reacts with 4-ethoxyaniline. The product formed is phenacetin and acetic acid is a byproduct.

Please note that this reaction usually requires a catalyst such as sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid and can be performed under reflux conditions. It is important to also consider safety precautions and appropriate lab techniques when carrying out this reaction.

To prepare Phenacetin starting from 4-ethoxyaniline, we need to perform an acetylation reaction. Here is the step-by-step reaction equation and explanation of how to prepare Phenacetin:

Step 1: Acetylation reaction
4-ethoxyaniline + Acetic anhydride -> Phenacetin + Acetic acid

Explanation: In this reaction, we will react 4-ethoxyaniline with acetic anhydride to form phenacetin and acetic acid.

Here's how to carry out this reaction:

1. Measure out the desired amount of 4-ethoxyaniline (ethoxyaniline with an ethyl group attached to the amino group) in a dry flask or reaction vessel.
2. Add the appropriate amount of acetic anhydride (a colorless liquid) to the flask, ensuring that the molar ratio of 4-ethoxyaniline to acetic anhydride is 1:1.
3. Mix the contents well using a stirring rod to ensure thorough mixing of the reactants.
4. Now, you need to carry out the reaction under suitable conditions. This usually involves heating the mixture to a specific temperature, which can vary depending on the reaction conditions being used. Typically, heating to around 60-80°C is sufficient for this reaction.
5. Allow the reaction to proceed for a specific length of time, usually around 1-2 hours, under the chosen conditions.
6. After the reaction time has elapsed, cool the reaction mixture to room temperature.
7. To separate Phenacetin from the reaction mixture, perform a workup procedure. This typically involves adding water to the mixture to dissolve the acetic acid formed during the reaction.
8. Next, extract the organic layer (containing Phenacetin) from the aqueous layer.
9. Dry the organic layer using a drying agent like anhydrous sodium sulfate to remove any remaining water.
10. Finally, purify the obtained crude Phenacetin using techniques such as recrystallization or column chromatography to obtain the desired pure product.

Please note that the reaction conditions, reactant ratios, and specific procedures may vary depending on the scale and desired purity of the reaction. It is always important to consult appropriate literature references or expert guidance when conducting organic synthesis reactions.