when c = 4, what is the value of the expression 72 / c? ...Explain how you could show five less than a number using an expression.

72/4 = 18

n - 5

To find the value of the expression 72 / c when c = 4, you simply substitute the value of c into the expression and perform the calculation.

Step 1: Replace c with 4 in the expression.
72 / c = 72 / 4

Step 2: Perform the division.
72 / 4 = 18

Therefore, when c = 4, the value of the expression 72 / c is 18.

Now, let's explain how to show "five less than a number" using an expression.

To represent "five less than a number," you can use the subtraction operation (-) with the number 5. Let's say the number you want to represent is x.

The expression "five less than a number" can be written as:
x - 5

Here, x represents any number you want to find "five less than," and the subtraction of 5 from x represents the operation of subtracting 5 from that number.

For example, if you want to show "five less than 10," you substitute x with 10 in the expression:
10 - 5 = 5

Hence, the expression "five less than a number" is represented as x - 5, where x can be any number.