Write the Gross and Net Ionic Equations for the following Reactions:

LiNO3(aq)+(NH4)3N(aq) => Li3N(s)+ NH4NO3(aq)

Al(s)+CuCl2(aq) => AlCl3(aq)+Cu(s)


C'mon. Yep won't get it. Exactly what do you not understand?

I'm not sure what it's asking. I know I need to write out the aqueous parts and write the charges, but I don't how to do that. Mostly I need help getting it to the Gross Equation.

First you balance the molecular equation.

3LiNO3(aq)+(NH4)3N(aq) => Li3N(s)+ 3NH4NO3(aq)

Then convert to a total ionic equation following a few rules as follows:
If the compound is an ionic compound you break it apart into ions. If it is a strong acid or strong base do likewise. If a solid, a gas, or if a weak acid or weak base, write those as molecules.

3Li^+(aq) + 3NO3^-(aq) + 3NH4^+ + N^3-(aq) => Li3N(s)+ 3NH4^+(aq) + 3NO3^-(aq)

That is the total ionic equation. Now you look for ions that are common to both sides; cancel those you find. I see 3 NO3^- on the left and right and I see 3 NH4^+ left and right sides. Cancel those from both sides and you are left with this.
3Li^+(aq) + N^3-(aq) ==> Li3N(s)
That is the net ionic equation. The ions you canceled are called spetator ions; they don't enter into the reaction. I'll be happy to check your work on the next one.

To write the gross and net ionic equations for the given reactions, we need to understand the concepts of ionic compounds and ionic equations.

Ionic compounds are made up of positively charged ions called cations and negatively charged ions called anions. When ionic compounds dissolve in water, they dissociate into their respective ions.

Gross ionic equations show all the ions involved in the reaction, both the reactants and the products. Net ionic equations, on the other hand, only include the ions that participate in the reaction.

Let's break down each reaction and write the gross and net ionic equations:

Reaction 1: LiNO3(aq) + (NH4)3N(aq) => Li3N(s) + NH4NO3(aq)

1. Write the chemical formulas of the compounds involved:
- Lithium nitrate: LiNO3
- Ammonium nitride: (NH4)3N
- Lithium nitride: Li3N
- Ammonium nitrate: NH4NO3

2. Determine the ions present in each compound:
- LiNO3 dissociates into Li+ and NO3- ions.
- (NH4)3N dissociates into NH4+ and N3- ions.
- Li3N does not dissociate since it is a solid.
- NH4NO3 dissociates into NH4+ and NO3- ions.

3. Write the gross ionic equation by showing all the ions involved:
Li+(aq) + NO3-(aq) + NH4+(aq) + N3-(aq) => Li3N(s) + NH4+(aq) + NO3-(aq)

4. Simplify the equation by removing the spectator ions:
Spectator ions are the ions that appear on both sides of the equation and do not participate in the reaction. In this case, NH4+ and NO3- are spectator ions.

Net ionic equation: Li+(aq) + N3-(aq) => Li3N(s)

Reaction 2: Al(s) + CuCl2(aq) => AlCl3(aq) + Cu(s)

1. Write the chemical formulas of the compounds involved:
- Aluminum: Al
- Copper(II) chloride: CuCl2
- Aluminum chloride: AlCl3
- Copper: Cu

2. Determine the ions present in each compound:
- Al does not dissociate since it is a solid.
- CuCl2 dissociates into Cu2+ and 2Cl- ions.
- AlCl3 dissociates into Al3+ and 3Cl- ions.
- Cu does not dissociate since it is a solid.

3. Write the gross ionic equation by showing all the ions involved:
Al(s) + 2Cu2+(aq) + 4Cl-(aq) => Al3+(aq) + 3Cl-(aq) + 2Cu(s)

4. Simplify the equation by removing the spectator ions:
In this case, all the ions participate in the reaction, so there are no spectator ions.

Net ionic equation: Al(s) + 2Cu2+(aq) => Al3+(aq) + 2Cu(s)

These are the gross and net ionic equations for the given reactions.

And you are having trouble doing what?