Simplify: 10w - 11w + 4W + (-5W)


=10w+-11w+-20w <- squared
(-20w [<-squared] ) + (10w+-11w)
ANSWER: -20w {<-Squaredddd} + -w

To simplify the expression 10w - 11w + 4w + (-5w), we can combine like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variable raised to the same power. In this expression, all the terms have the variable "w" raised to the power of 1.

Let's group the like terms together:

(10w - 11w + 4w) + (-5w)

Now, we can add or subtract the coefficients of the like terms. Here's how it looks after combining the coefficients:

(10 - 11 + 4 - 5)w

Next, we simplify the numbers:


Finally, since (-2)w means -2 multiplied by w, the simplified expression is:


-2W. I am wondering what your question was about this? You just add them.