I cannot seem to get the right answer.

Animal Pulse Rate According to one model, an animal’s heart rate varies according to its weight. The formula N(w)=885w^-1/2 gives an estimate for the
average number N of beats per minute for an animal that weighs w pounds. Use the formula to estimate the heart rate for a horse that weighs 800 pounds. To be brutally honest I cannot get this right at all.

I assume that you know that w^-1/2 means the square root of w in the denominator.

N = 885/sqrt(800) = 31.3 beats/minute

This must be a resting heart rate.

To estimate the heart rate for a horse that weighs 800 pounds using the given formula, N(w) = 885w^(-1/2), we need to substitute the value of w and solve for N.

Step 1: Replace w with the weight of the horse, which is 800 pounds.

N(800) = 885(800)^(-1/2)

Step 2: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses using exponent rules. In this case, the square root of 800 can be written as 800^(1/2).

N(800) = 885 / (800^(1/2))

Step 3: Evaluate the square root of 800 by raising it to the power of 1/2. Then divide 885 by the result.

N(800) ≈ 885 / √800

Step 4: Use a calculator to find the square root of 800 and calculate the heart rate for the horse.

N(800) ≈ 885 / √800 ≈ 83.44 beats per minute

Therefore, the estimated heart rate for a horse weighing 800 pounds is approximately 83.44 beats per minute, based on the given animal pulse rate model.