In the fissioning of uranium, a chain reaction is caused by?

ejected neutrons.

the enormous energy release.

the kinetic energy of the decay products.

the conversion of mass to energy.

In the fissioning of uranium, a chain reaction is caused by the ejected neutrons.

To understand this, let's break it down:

1. Uranium fission: Uranium-235 is commonly used in nuclear reactors for power generation. When a uranium-235 nucleus is bombarded with a neutron, it absorbs the neutron and becomes highly unstable.

2. Nuclear fission: The unstable uranium-235 nucleus then splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing a significant amount of energy in the form of kinetic energy. This process is called nuclear fission.

3. Ejected neutrons: Along with the smaller nuclei, additional neutrons are also ejected during the fission process. These ejected neutrons can then go on to trigger the fission of other uranium-235 nuclei.

4. Chain reaction: If even one of the ejected neutrons from a fission event triggers the fission of another nucleus, a chain reaction occurs. This means that each fission event produces more neutrons, which can go on to cause more fissions, leading to a self-sustaining chain reaction.

Therefore, the ejected neutrons from the fission process are the primary cause of the chain reaction in uranium fission. The enormous energy release, the kinetic energy of the decay products, and the conversion of mass to energy are all secondary consequences of the chain reaction and fission process.

A chain reaction in the fissioning of uranium is caused by ejected neutrons. When a uranium atom undergoes fission, it releases a few ejected neutrons. These neutrons can then collide with other uranium atoms, causing them to undergo fission as well and releasing even more neutrons. This process continues in a self-sustaining chain reaction, leading to a release of enormous energy. So, while the other options mentioned (enormous energy release, kinetic energy of decay products, and conversion of mass to energy) are related to the process, it is the ejected neutrons that specifically cause the chain reaction.