Four friends together earned 128 mowing lawns. After paying an amount g for gasoline, they shared the money equally. Which equation shows the amount of each friend will receive?

A. f(g) = 128 - g/4

B. f(g) = 128/4-g

C. f(g) = 128-g/4

D. f(g) = 128-g-4

None of them is correct, probably because critical parentheses are missing.

Please recheck the choices to see if there are missing parentheses OR if the answers were type-set as fractions. Parentheses should be inserted by YOU on all numerators and denominators to transcribe typeset expressions to a single-line expression.

To find the equation that shows the amount each friend will receive, we can follow these steps:

1. Start with the total amount earned, which is 128.
2. Subtract the amount paid for gasoline, g.
3. Divide the remaining amount equally among the four friends.

Let's break down each answer choice and see which one matches our steps:

A. f(g) = 128 - g/4
This equation subtracts g/4 from 128, which would give only a portion of the gasoline cost. It does not divide the remaining amount equally among the four friends.

B. f(g) = 128/4-g
This equation divides 128 by 4 and subtracts g. However, the subtraction is incorrect because it subtracts the gasoline cost from the whole amount, instead of subtracting it separately.

C. f(g) = 128-g/4
This equation correctly subtracts g/4 from the whole amount. It divides the remaining amount equally among the four friends, which is what we are looking for.

D. f(g) = 128-g-4
This equation subtracts g and 4 from 128, which is not the correct approach. The 4 does not represent equal sharing among the friends.

Among the given choices, option C, f(g) = 128 - g/4, best represents the amount each friend will receive.