what did the delegates to the annapoliscovention decide the country needed

A Naval Academy?

More seriously, they decided a constitutional convention was needed.


The Annapolis Convention, held in 1786, was a meeting of delegates from several states called to discuss trade issues within the United States. Though it did not result in any immediate policy changes, it laid the groundwork for the Constitutional Convention that would follow. The delegates concluded that the country needed a stronger central government to establish uniform regulations and promote stability in interstate commerce.

To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for "Annapolis Convention" to gather background information on the event.
2. Look for reputable sources such as historical articles, books, or government websites that provide more specific details about the purpose and outcomes of the convention.
3. Read through the information to understand the discussions and debates that took place during the convention.
4. Take note of any common themes or decisions made by the delegates.
5. Finally, summarize the key points discussed by the delegates, including their conclusion that a stronger central government was necessary for regulating trade and promoting unity among the states.