a flagpole casts a 73 foot shadow. Habib is 5 feet tall and his shadow is 12 feet. How tall is the flagpole?

Cross multiply and solve for x.

5/12 = x/73

what type of triangle is a 148 degree 21 degree and a 11 degree triangle a acute right or obtuse

To find the height of the flagpole, we can use a proportion.

Let's set up the proportion:

Height of the flagpole / Length of the flagpole's shadow = Height of Habib / Length of Habib's shadow

In this case, we know the length of Habib's shadow is 12 feet, and Habib's height is 5 feet. We are trying to find the height of the flagpole, and we know that its shadow is 73 feet.

Let's plug the known values into the proportion:

Height of the flagpole / 73 feet = 5 feet / 12 feet

To solve for the height of the flagpole, we can cross-multiply:

(Height of the flagpole) * (12 feet) = (5 feet) * (73 feet)

By multiplying both sides of the equation, we get:

12 * (Height of the flagpole) = 5 * 73

To isolate the height of the flagpole, we divide both sides of the equation by 12:

Height of the flagpole = (5 * 73) / 12

Now, let's calculate the actual height of the flagpole:

Height of the flagpole = 365 / 12

Height of the flagpole = 30.42 feet

Therefore, the height of the flagpole is approximately 30.42 feet.