simon ate 3/2 slices of an apple. Did he eat less than a whole apple or more than the whole apple. Draw a picture to show your answer

simon ate 3/2 slices of an apple. Did he

eat less than a whole apple or more than
the whole apple. Draw a picture to show
your answer

More than the whole apple, she ate 1 apple and half of the other one. That is equal to 3/2

To determine whether Simon ate less than a whole apple or more than a whole apple, we need to compare the amount he ate (3/2 slices) to the amount that makes up a whole apple (1 whole apple or 2/2 slices).

To draw a picture representing this, we can start by drawing a whole apple. We can divide it into two equal parts (slices), as shown below:

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Now, since Simon ate 3/2 (also known as 1 1/2) slices of the apple, we can shade in one whole slice and then half of another slice, like this:

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From the picture, we can see that Simon ate more than a whole apple.