On Monday Mornings, the anxious birds watch rather closely (rather closely is underlined) for the increasingly (increasingly is underlined) rare visits by the rest of the flock.

Which underlined adverb describes another adverb?

To determine which underlined adverb describes another adverb, we need to identify the adverb being modified. In this case, the adverb being modified is "closely."

The sentence provides two underlined adverbs - "rather closely" and "increasingly." We need to determine which one of them describes the adverb "closely."

To do this, we can analyze the meaning of each adverb. "Rather" is an adverb that means "to a certain or significant extent" and can be used to emphasize the degree of closeness. On the other hand, "increasingly" is an adverb that means "becoming more and more" and denotes a gradual intensification.

Considering the meaning of both adverbs, it is clear that "increasingly" is the adverb that describes the adverb "closely." It conveys the idea that the birds are watching more closely each time for the rare visits by the rest of the flock.

If you understand adverbs, you'll see which one of those three adverbs describes another adverb.


Like Ms.Sue said you need to understand adverbs.