Jerry read 180 pages in 3h. Peggy read 220 pages in 5h. Peggy said that they read at the same rate. Is she correct?

What do you think?

No because the amount they read is not equivalent


To determine if Jerry and Peggy read at the same rate, we need to calculate and compare their reading speeds. Reading speed is typically calculated as the number of pages read divided by the time taken.

First, let's calculate Jerry's reading speed:

Jerry's reading speed = Number of pages read / Time taken
= 180 pages / 3 hours
= 60 pages/hour

Now, let's calculate Peggy's reading speed:

Peggy's reading speed = Number of pages read / Time taken
= 220 pages / 5 hours
= 44 pages/hour

From the calculations, we can see that Jerry reads at a speed of 60 pages per hour, while Peggy reads at a speed of 44 pages per hour. Therefore, Peggy is incorrect in saying that they read at the same rate. Jerry reads at a faster rate than Peggy.