The words in the bank are air resistance,time, zero, inertia, mass, direction, friction, rolling friction, and less. See if I did them right and if I didn't write anything on the blank, I need help with it. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. Speed can be determined if you know distance and t-i-m-e-.
11. Velocity is speed in a certain d-i-r-e-c-t-i-o-n.
12. The tendency of objects to stay still is i-n-e-r-t-i-a.
13. One factor determining the effect of gravity on objects is their _______.
14. The farther away from Earth an object gets, Earth's gravity affects it _______.
15. When velocity is barely changing, acceleration is about z-e-r-o.
16. A force that slows the motion of objects is called _________.
17. Friction that occurs between the surface of a round object and another surface is l-e-s-s.
18. Objects with larger surfaces have greater ________.

hello.......... can someone please help me?:(