Calvin hines is a graphic designer. He earns $11.50 per hour. Last wee he worked 7 hours each day, Monday through friday. WHAT WAS HIS TOTAL PAY FOR THIS WEEK?

Already answered. See below.

To calculate Calvin Hines' total pay for the week, we need to multiply his hourly rate by the number of hours he worked each day, and then sum up the total.

Calvin earns $11.50 per hour, and he worked 7 hours per day, Monday through Friday.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Calculate the total hours worked in a week:
- Monday: 7 hours
- Tuesday: 7 hours
- Wednesday: 7 hours
- Thursday: 7 hours
- Friday: 7 hours

Total hours worked in a week = 7 hours * 5 days = 35 hours

2. Calculate his total pay:
Total pay = Hourly rate * Total hours worked in a week
Total pay = $11.50/hour * 35 hours

Now, let's multiply his hourly rate by the total hours worked in a week:
Total pay = $11.50 * 35 = $402.50

Calvin Hines' total pay for this week is $402.50.