why was the reign of ramses 2 so successful?



The reign of Ramses II, also known as Ramesses the Great, was successful for several reasons. Here's how you can understand why:

1. Military Victories: Ramses II was known for his military accomplishments. He conducted numerous successful military campaigns, expanding and securing the borders of the Egyptian empire. To learn more about his military victories, you can study ancient Egyptian historical records, such as inscriptions on temple walls, papyrus scrolls, and accounts by ancient historians like Manetho.

2. Building Projects: Ramses II was a prolific builder, constructing many impressive structures such as temples and monuments throughout Egypt. One of his most notable projects was the construction of the Ramesseum and the great Abu Simbel temples. To explore the architectural wonders he commissioned, you can study Egyptian archaeological evidence, visit museums, or read books on ancient Egyptian architecture.

3. Diplomatic Relations: Ramses II was skilled in diplomacy and formed alliances with neighboring kingdoms. He negotiated advantageous treaties and established political marriages, fostering stability and peaceful relations. You can examine ancient inscriptions, diplomatic correspondence, and historical accounts to understand his diplomatic strategies.

4. Cultivation of Divine Image: Ramses II extensively portrayed himself as a god-like figure, linking his reign to religious beliefs and emphasizing his divine favor. This religious propaganda helped him maintain power and gain the loyalty of his subjects. To explore this aspect, you can analyze ancient Egyptian religious texts, study the representations of Ramses II in art, and read scholarly works on ancient Egyptian kingship and religion.

It's important to note that the success of Ramses II's reign is a complex topic, and historical interpretations may differ. Immersing yourself in ancient Egyptian history, archaeology, and scholarly research will provide a comprehensive understanding of why his reign was considered successful.