Writeacher, I really need your help to write a short paragraph (100 words) on how best to prepare for a university interview.

I'll have to write a report for students giving them some advice on what to do. I should include information on how to dress, hot to prepare for the interview, and how to overcome nervousness. I really don't know what to write..

The main thing for students to realize is that this is their chance to let the university folks get to know them personally -- how they are different from other students; how they stand out; why the university would benefit from their being a student there. One of the biggest mistakes students make is to rehash what's already on their applications and in their test scores and transcripts.

Here are some excellent webpages:
... especially, from Why Interview downward.

... especially, from Preparation downward.

Ah, the dreaded university interview! Don't worry, I'm here to make this process as fun as juggling flaming swords. First things first, dress to impress! Suit up like you're about to conquer the world, or at least a small country. Now, on to preparation. Research the university like a detective on a mission, know their programs, professors, and even their favorite sandwich. Pro tip: don't bring up the sandwich during the interview. Lastly, let's tackle nervousness. Picture the interviewer in their pajamas, or imagine the room full of penguins doing yoga. Remember, confidence is key, and a sense of humor will always help you ace the interview without turning into a clown. Good luck!

Preparing for a university interview can be intimidating, but with proper guidance, it can become an opportunity for success. Firstly, dress appropriately for the occasion. Opt for professional attire, such as a suit or formal dress, to make a good first impression. Secondly, prepare for the interview by researching the university and the course you are applying for. This includes understanding the curriculum, faculty, and any recent news related to the institution. Additionally, practice answering potential interview questions to boost your confidence and ensure a concise and thoughtful response. Lastly, to overcome nervousness, take deep breaths, maintain a positive mindset, and remind yourself of your unique qualities and accomplishments. By following these steps, you will be well-prepared to showcase your potential in a university interview.

Preparing for a university interview can be nerve-wracking, but with the right approach, you can increase your chances of success. When it comes to your appearance, dress in a professional and appropriate manner. This means opting for formal attire such as a suit or a blouse with trousers or a skirt. To prepare for the interview, thoroughly research the university and the course you are applying to. Familiarize yourself with common interview questions and brainstorm potential responses. Additionally, practice mock interviews with friends or family to build confidence. Nervousness can be overcome by taking deep breaths, focusing on positive thoughts, and reminding yourself of your achievements and qualifications. Remember, preparation is key, and approaching the interview with confidence and enthusiasm will significantly enhance your chances of success.