" performance can't be measured , so any effort to link pay with performance is a fantasy. Difeerence in performances are often caused by the system, which means the organization ends up rewarding the circumstances. It's the same thing as rewarding the weather forecaster for a pleasent day." Do you agree?

Yes -- I agree with this statement for many situations.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide some information on this topic.

The statement you mentioned expresses the viewpoint that performance cannot be accurately measured and therefore, any attempt to link pay with performance is a fantasy. Additionally, it argues that differences in performance are often caused by external factors, such as the system or circumstances, rather than individual effort.

While it is true that performance measurement can be complex and subjective, many organizations do try to measure performance in order to differentiate between employees and allocate rewards accordingly. Here are a few points to consider when evaluating the statement:

1. Subjectivity and bias: Measuring performance involves a certain degree of subjectivity and potential bias. Different people may have different opinions on what constitutes good performance, and managers may incorporate their own biases or preferences. This can make the evaluation process imperfect and potentially lead to unfair outcomes.

2. Objective performance metrics: To mitigate the subjectivity, organizations often establish objective metrics to measure performance, such as sales targets, customer satisfaction ratings, or project completion rates. These metrics aim to provide quantifiable indicators of individual or team performance.

3. Impact of the system: It is true that the organizational system and environment can influence performance. Factors like availability of resources, managerial support, work culture, and even luck can affect an individual's performance. However, it is still possible to assess the impact of an individual's effort within the context of these external factors.

4. Differentiating rewards: Linking pay with performance attempts to differentiate rewards based on the contribution and achievements of employees. It is an approach that organizations adopt to motivate and incentivize employees to perform better. While it may not be a perfect solution, it is one way to recognize and reward employees for their efforts.

In conclusion, while it is valid to consider the challenges in measuring performance and the influence of external factors, organizations often seek ways to measure performance and link it with rewards. The effectiveness of such systems can vary, and organizations need to continuously evaluate and refine their performance measurement mechanisms to ensure fairness and accuracy.