The system of checks and balances allows the Supreme Court to

A. veto legislation passed in Congress.

B. nominate candidates for congressional seats.

C. declare acts of the president unconstitutional.

D. select judges to serve in the federal court system.

I think is D, but I'm not sure, can sombedody help me??

Article I is about the legislative branch (Congress).

Article II is about the executive branch (president).

Article III is about the judiciary.

Read Article III carefully and notice what they DON'T do as well as what they do.

The system of checks and balances is a fundamental principle of the United States government that ensures no one branch of government becomes too powerful. This system allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches.

In this case, the question asks what role the system of checks and balances allows the Supreme Court to have. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the specific powers and responsibilities of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States and has the power of judicial review. This means it can review and interpret laws to determine if they are constitutional or not. If the Supreme Court finds a law to be unconstitutional, it has the authority to strike it down.

The correct answer to the question is option C: declare acts of the president unconstitutional. The Supreme Court can use its power of judicial review to review actions taken by the President and declare them unconstitutional if they violate the principles of the United States Constitution.

To arrive at this answer, you need to have knowledge of the separation of powers in the United States government and understand the role of the Supreme Court.