Sally is driving her car and talking on her cell phone. Statistically this behavior has been shown to be quite dangerous and contributes to many automobile accidents. In performing these two tasks simultaneously, Sally uses:

a. conscious cognitive processes
b. mindless behavior
c. subconscious cognitive processes
d. nonconscious thought processes
My answer was C, Can someone let me know if this is the correct choice?

Any help????

I would assume that she needed to be conscious for both processes. However, people typically do not do tasks simultaneously; they alternate back-and-forth between the two tasks.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the different options and their meanings:

a. Conscious cognitive processes: This refers to actively engaging in mental activities, such as conscious thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. It requires focused attention and awareness.

b. Mindless behavior: This refers to engaging in actions without conscious awareness or attention. It usually involves automatic or routine actions that don't require active thinking.

c. Subconscious cognitive processes: This refers to mental processes that occur below the level of conscious awareness but can still influence behavior. It might involve automatic processing of information or habits.

d. Nonconscious thought processes: This refers to mental processes that occur outside of conscious awareness and involve automatic functions like breathing or heartbeat.

Considering that driving and talking on the cell phone require attention, decision-making, and awareness of the surroundings, the most appropriate choice would be a. Conscious cognitive processes.

Therefore, the correct answer would be a. conscious cognitive processes.