direction use the given info to find the new amount wholesale price $13 and mark up percent 110% can you help me solve this please

(13 * 1.1) + 13 = 14.3 + 13 = $27.30

thank you so much


You're very welcome.

Of course! To find the new amount after applying a markup percentage, you'll need to follow a simple calculation.

First, let's find the amount of the markup. To calculate this, you multiply the wholesale price by the mark-up percentage. In this case, the wholesale price given is $13 and the mark-up percentage is 110%.

Markup amount = Wholesale price * Mark-up percentage
Markup amount = $13 * 110%

To calculate a percentage, you convert it to a decimal by dividing it by 100.

Markup amount = $13 * 1.10

Next, you add the markup amount to the wholesale price to find the new amount.

New amount = Wholesale price + Markup amount
New amount = $13 + ($13 * 1.10)

Simplifying the equation gives us:

New amount = $13 + $14.30
New amount = $27.30

Therefore, the new amount after applying a 110% markup to a wholesale price of $13 is $27.30.