Would tonight/night be an exact rhyme or a slant rhyme? And is begin/him a slant rhyme?


Also, is by/fly slant?



Two of the examples you gave are actual rhymes. One seems more of a slant rhyme. Be sure to read the definition of slant rhyme in the linked webpage.

To determine whether two words rhyme, we need to consider both their vowel sounds and the sounds that follow.

For "tonight" and "night," these two words would be considered an "exact rhyme." An exact rhyme occurs when the vowel sound and the following consonant sounds match exactly between two words. In this case, the vowel sound "ai" and the consonant sound "t" in both "tonight" and "night" are the same.

On the other hand, "begin" and "him" would be considered a "slant rhyme" or "near rhyme." A slant rhyme occurs when the sounds of two words are similar but not identical. In this case, the vowel sounds "e" and "i" in "begin" and "him" are similar but not exactly the same. However, the consonant sounds that follow the vowel sounds differ, which is why it is considered a slant rhyme rather than an exact rhyme.

It's worth noting that the perception of rhyme is subjective and can vary between individuals, as different people may pronounce or hear words slightly differently.