Does anyone know any specific businesses who use the online community for business deals through online video chats, with those around the world, instead of face to face in the actual community?

Yes, many businesses nowadays use online video chats to conduct business deals with people around the world. However, it can be challenging to provide a specific list of businesses that exclusively operate through online video chats, as it depends on various factors such as industry, location, and individual preferences.

To find businesses that use online video chats for business deals, you can follow the steps below:

1. Research Industry-Focused Networks: Explore online platforms and communities that cater specifically to your industry. For example, websites like LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, or professional networking platforms can help you find businesses that utilize online video chats.

2. Participate in Virtual Conferences and Events: Virtual conferences and events provide an opportunity to connect with businesses that are actively using online video chats for business purposes. Research and register for virtual events in your industry and engage with participants to learn more about their experiences.

3. Reach Out to Existing Networks: Tap into your existing professional network and inquire if anyone knows of businesses that rely on online video chats for business deals. Colleagues, professional acquaintances, or even friends might have connections or insights to share.

4. Join Online Communities: Join online communities, groups, or forums that discuss topics related to remote work, online collaborations, or digital business practices. Engage with members, participate in discussions, and inquire about businesses using online video chats for business deals.

5. Utilize Search Engines: Perform targeted searches using search engines by including keywords such as "businesses using online video chats for deals," "remote business collaborations," or "virtual video conferencing for business."

Remember that while these steps can help you discover businesses utilizing online video chats for business deals, the extent to which they rely on virtual interactions may vary. It's advisable to directly communicate with potential businesses to gather specific information about their online collaboration practices.