One shuttle service charges $10 for pickup and $0.10 per mile. The other shuttle service has no pickup fee but charges $0.35 per mile. Find the number of miles for which the cost of the shuttle service is the same.

Please help me and show your work thanks.

So how do you do that show me how

I have the same problem and don't understand :/

To find the number of miles for which the cost of the two shuttle services is the same, we can set up an equation.

Let's denote the number of miles by x.

For the first shuttle service, the total cost is given by $10 for pickup plus $0.10 per mile, which can be expressed as 10 + 0.10x.

For the second shuttle service, there is no pickup fee but a charge of $0.35 per mile, which can be expressed as 0.35x.

To find the number of miles for which the cost is the same, we need to set the two expressions equal:

10 + 0.10x = 0.35x

Now, we can solve for x.

Subtracting 0.10x from both sides gives:

10 = 0.35x - 0.10x

Combining like terms:

10 = 0.25x

Dividing both sides by 0.25:

10/0.25 = x


40 = x

Therefore, the cost of the two shuttle services will be the same when the number of miles is 40.



set them equal,and solve for Miles M