Sally is driving her car and talking on her cell phone. Statistically this behavior has been shown to be quite dangerous and contributes to many automobile accidents. In performing these two tasks simultaneously, Sally uses:

a. conscious cognitive processes
b. mindless behavior
c. subconscious cognitive processes
d. nonconscious thought processes
My answer was A

Your answer of A is incorrect. Sally is engaging in mindless behavior while driving her car and talking on her cell phone simultaneously.

To arrive at the correct answer, we can break down the options:

a. Conscious cognitive processes: This refers to deliberate and intentional thinking processes, where an individual is fully aware of and actively engaged in the task at hand. In this scenario, Sally is not consciously using cognitive processes because she is not fully focused on either driving or talking on her cell phone.

b. Mindless behavior: This refers to engaging in activities without full attention or awareness. In this case, Sally's behavior can be categorized as mindless because she is not giving her full attention to either driving or talking on her cell phone.

c. Subconscious cognitive processes: This refers to mental processes that occur below the level of conscious awareness. While subconscious cognitive processes are involved in driving, they are typically not sufficient to safely operate a vehicle if one is distracted by a phone conversation.

d. Nonconscious thought processes: This refers to mental processes that occur without conscious awareness or control. Nonconscious thought processes can influence behavior, but in this scenario, Sally's behavior is not driven by nonconscious processes.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. Mindless behavior, as Sally is engaging in a dangerous behavior due to divided attention between driving and talking on her cell phone.