evaluate tan(51 degree 15')+cot(25 degrees 18')

you will need your calculator

51°15' = 51.25°
25°18' = 25.3°

so we need:
tan 51.25° + 1/tan 25.3°

you do the button-pushing

To evaluate the expression tan(51° 15') + cot(25° 18'), we need to know the values of tangent and cotangent for the given angles.

1. Convert the given angles from degrees and minutes to decimal form:
- For 51° 15': 51 + (15 / 60) = 51.25 degrees
- For 25° 18': 25 + (18 / 60) = 25.3 degrees

2. Use a scientific calculator or trigonometric tables to find the values of tangent and cotangent for the given angles.
- Tan(51.25°) = 1.305
- Cot(25.3°) = 0.480

3. Substitute the values back into the expression:
Tan(51.25°) + Cot(25.3°) = 1.305 + 0.480 = 1.785

Therefore, the value of tan(51° 15') + cot(25° 18') is approximately 1.785.