1. To sustain a learned response in someone, it is best for you to reinforce it:

a. continuously
b. intermittently
c. intermittenly at first, then continuously
d. at the first sign of spontaneous recovery.
I chose B.

2. In his famous obedience study, Stanley Milgram set out to find out:
a. if people would obey authority when asked to do something that violated their usual ethical standards.
b. the level of electric shock people administer under pressure by an authority figure
c. the effect of punishment on learning
d. the effect of experimenter bias on subjects ordered to perform acts of violence against others.
I chose C.

thank you!!!

1. Looks OK.

2. A-->study measured the willingness of people to obey authority when instructed to do something that conflicted with their conscience.

Thank you very much for your assistance!!!

To answer question 1, it is best to reinforce a learned response intermittently. This means reinforcing the behavior only sometimes instead of continuously. This technique, known as intermittent reinforcement, has been found to be effective in maintaining the behavior over a longer period compared to continuous reinforcement.

To find the answer to question 2, Stanley Milgram's famous obedience study aimed to investigate if people would obey authority figures when asked to do something that violated their usual ethical standards. The study involved participants who were instructed to administer electric shocks to a "learner" after answering questions incorrectly. The study was designed to examine obedience to authority, rather than punishment or experimenter bias.

So, the correct answer to question 1 is b. intermittently, and the correct answer to question 2 is a. if people would obey authority when asked to do something that violated their usual ethical standards.

You're welcome! Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.