How many particles are in .169 moles of Potassium Sulfide?!

What is the percent composition of sulfer in that same prolem?!

There are 6.02E23 molecules in 1 mole of K2S. There are three particles (2K and 1S in a molecule of K2S); therefore, there are three particles per mole of K2S.

%S = (atomic mass S/molar mass K2S)*100 = ?

Thank you so much DrBob222

To calculate the number of particles in a given amount of substance, you can use Avogadro's number, which is 6.022 × 10^23 particles per mole. Here's how you can find the number of particles in 0.169 moles of Potassium Sulfide:

Step 1: Identify the molar mass of Potassium Sulfide:
Potassium (K) has a molar mass of 39.10 g/mol, and Sulfur (S) has a molar mass of 32.07 g/mol. Since one potassium atom (K) and one sulfur atom (S) combine to form Potassium Sulfide (K2S), the molar mass of Potassium Sulfide can be calculated as:
(2 x molar mass of potassium) + molar mass of sulfur
= (2 x 39.10 g/mol) + 32.07 g/mol
= 78.20 g/mol + 32.07 g/mol
= 110.27 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the number of particles:
Number of particles = Moles x Avogadro's number
= 0.169 moles x (6.022 × 10^23 particles per mole)
≈ 1.02 × 10^23 particles

Therefore, there are approximately 1.02 × 10^23 particles in 0.169 moles of Potassium Sulfide.

Now, let's move on to finding the percent composition of sulfur in Potassium Sulfide:

Step 1: Determine the molar mass of sulfur in Potassium Sulfide:
Using the molar mass of sulfur (32.07 g/mol), we can determine the molar mass of sulfur in Potassium Sulfide (K2S) as:
(1 x molar mass of sulfur) = 32.07 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the percent composition of sulfur:
Percent composition of sulfur = (Molar mass of sulfur / Molar mass of Potassium Sulfide) x 100%
= (32.07 g/mol / 110.27 g/mol) x 100%
≈ 29.09%

Therefore, the percent composition of sulfur in Potassium Sulfide is approximately 29.09%.