Determine whether the definition below is connotative or denotative.

relevant: bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent:
A. connotative

B. denotative


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thanks lol im gettin now

You're welcome.

To determine whether the given definition is connotative or denotative, we need to understand the difference between these two types of definitions.

A connotative definition is one that includes additional elements beyond the objective or literal meaning of the word. It may include subjective or emotional associations and can be influenced by personal experiences, cultural context, or societal attitudes.

On the other hand, a denotative definition is the objective or literal meaning of a word. It is devoid of any subjective or emotional connotations and describes the word's essential, dictionary-defined meaning.

In the case of the definition provided for "relevant," it describes the word's literal meaning without any added emotional connotations or subjective associations. It simply states that "relevant" means "bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand" or "pertinent." Therefore, this definition is denotative.

Thus, the correct answer is B. denotative.