12^-3 x 12^10 x 12^0

-3 + 10 + 0 = 7


which is really big

What is (12)-3+10+0 ?

ok thanks

To simplify the expression 12^-3 x 12^10 x 12^0, we can use the rules of exponents.

Let's break down each term individually:

When a number is raised to a negative exponent, it means it gets moved to the opposite side of the fraction, and the exponent becomes positive. Therefore, 12^-3 is equivalent to 1/12^3 or 1/(12*12*12).

This is 12 raised to the power of 10. To multiply numbers with the same base, we add their exponents. So, 12^10 is equal to (12*12*12*12*12*12*12*12*12*12).

Any number (except 0) raised to the power of 0 equals 1. Therefore, 12^0 is equal to 1.

Now, let's substitute the values back into the expression:

(1/12^3) x (12^10) x 1

To simplify further, we multiply the numerators and denominators, and then multiply the resulting fractions:

(1/12^3) x (12^10/1) x 1 = (1/12^3) x (12^10) = (1 x 12^10) / (12^3)

Now we can apply the multiplication rule for exponents:

12^10 / 12^3 = 12^(10-3) = 12^7

Therefore, 12^-3 x 12^10 x 12^0 simplifies to 12^7.