For the reaction, A = B + C, the rate law is kA]. If it takes 80.0 seconds for 70.0% of a 10.0 gram sample of A to be transformed into products, what is the value of the rate constant?

a. 0.00450 s-1 b. 0.0290 s 1 c. 0.00530 s-1 d. 0.0150 s-1 e. 5.40 s-1

rate = k(A) is first order.

Use ln(No/N) = kt. Substitute and solve for k.

To solve this problem, we need to use the integrated rate law for a first-order reaction.

The integrated rate law for a first-order reaction can be written as:

ln(A₀ / A) = kt

- A₀ is the initial concentration of A
- A is the concentration of A at a given time
- k is the rate constant for the reaction
- t is the time

In this case, we are given that it takes 80.0 seconds for 70.0% of a 10.0 gram sample of A to be transformed into products. This means that the concentration of A is 30.0% of the initial concentration.

Using this information, we can rewrite the integrated rate law as:

ln(1 / 0.3) = k(80.0 s)

Simplifying, we have:

ln(10/3) = 80k

To solve for k, we rearrange the equation:

k = ln(10/3) / 80

Calculating this expression gives us:

k ≈ 0.004382 s⁻¹

Now, we need to choose the closest value from the options provided. The closest value is 0.00450 s⁻¹, which corresponds to option a.

So, the correct answer is:

a. 0.00450 s⁻¹