Shaun collects coins. He has 24 quarters and 32 pennies in a jar. What is the ratio of quarters to pennies in the jar?


24 : 32 = 3/4


Shaun collects coins. He has 18 quarters and 24 pennies in a jar. What is the ratio of quarters to pennies in the jar?


To find the ratio of quarters to pennies in the jar, we need to determine the amount of each and then divide.

First, let's find the number of quarters: 24 quarters.

Next, let's find the number of pennies: 32 pennies.

The ratio of quarters to pennies can be calculated by dividing the number of quarters by the number of pennies.

Ratio = Number of quarters / Number of pennies

Ratio = 24 quarters / 32 pennies

To simplify the ratio, we can divide both numbers by their greatest common divisor, which is 8.

Ratio = 24/8 quarters / 32/8 pennies

Simplified, the ratio is:

Ratio = 3 quarters / 4 pennies

So, the ratio of quarters to pennies in the jar is 3:4.

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