y=cos(square root of 4t+12)

dy/dt=-sin(square root of 4t+12)*d/dx(sqare root of 4t+12)

=-sin(sqare root of 4t+12)*1/2*sqare root of 4t+12 * 4
=-sin (sqare root of 4t+12)* 2/sqare root of 4t+12

To simplify the given equation, we can take it step by step. Let's start with the given equation:

y = cos(√(4t + 12))

Step 1: Simplify the square root expression inside the cosine function.

√(4t + 12) = √4 * √(t + 3)
= 2√(t + 3)

Now, we have:

y = cos(2√(t + 3))

Step 2: The cosine function repeats every 2π radians, so we can convert the given expression using the period of cosine.

The period of the cosine function is 2π/b, where b is the coefficient of the angle inside the function.

In this case, b = 2, so the period is:

T = 2π/2
= π

Step 3: Rewrite the given equation in terms of the new period.

y = cos(2√(t + 3))
= cos(2 * (√(t + 3)))
= cos(2 * (√(t + 3) * (√(t + 3))/√(t + 3))
= cos(2 * (√(t + 3)^2)/√(t + 3))
= cos(2(t + 3)/√(t + 3))
= cos(2(t + 3)/2√(t + 3))
= cos((t + 3)/√(t + 3))

Now, the simplified equation is:

y = cos((t + 3)/√(t + 3))

This is the simplified form of the given equation.

The equation you provided is y = cos(√(4t + 12)). This is a mathematical expression involving the cosine function. To evaluate this equation, you need to substitute a value for t.

For example, if you want to find the value of y when t = 2, you can substitute t = 2 into the equation:

y = cos(√(4 * 2 + 12))
y = cos(√(8 + 12))
y = cos(√(20))
y = cos(√20)

Now, to find the numerical value of y, you can use a calculator or software with a cosine function. Here are the steps to evaluate the cosine function with square root:

1. Calculate the square root of the argument: √20 ≈ 4.47.
2. Use the cosine function with the calculated value: cos(4.47) ≈ -0.2108.

So, when t = 2, the value of y is approximately -0.2108.

You can repeat this process for different values of t to get corresponding values of y.