if sulfuric acid was not added to isopentyl alcohol how would that affect the results

H2SO4 is a catalyst; therefore, the reaction could be much slower, perhaps even so slow it appeared not to react but exactly how slow depends upon many thngs.

If sulfuric acid was not added to isopentyl alcohol in a specific chemical reaction, it would likely affect the reaction and the overall results in several ways. The addition of sulfuric acid serves as a catalyst or a substance that increases the rate of the reaction without being consumed in the process. Here are a few possible outcomes if sulfuric acid is not present:

1. Slower reaction rate: The absence of sulfuric acid as a catalyst might significantly slow down the reaction. The reaction might still occur, but at a much slower pace, potentially taking longer to reach completion or failing to reach completion altogether.

2. Lower product yield: Sulfuric acid helps promote the reaction by facilitating the formation of intermediates and lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. Without this catalyst, the reaction might proceed to a lesser extent, resulting in a lower yield of the desired product.

3. Different reaction pathway: Sometimes, the addition of sulfuric acid can modify the reaction pathway, leading to the preferential formation of a specific product. Without sulfuric acid, the reaction might take a different pathway, leading to the formation of different products or byproducts. This could result in a mixture of different compounds or a lack of the desired product.

4. Unfavorable reaction conditions: In some reactions, the presence of sulfuric acid creates a specific reaction environment that is necessary for the reaction to occur efficiently or selectively. Without this acid, the reaction conditions might not be optimal, leading to undesired side reactions, lower selectivity, or even a complete failure of the reaction.

In summary, the absence of sulfuric acid in the reaction involving isopentyl alcohol might significantly alter the reaction kinetics, reduce product yield, change the reaction pathway, or create unfavorable reaction conditions. The specific consequences would depend on the particular reaction and the role of sulfuric acid within it.