All dogs hate cats. Sirius is a dog. So Sirius hates cats" is an example of a

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"I bought a pair of shoes form that immeditely fell apart. Their shoes are no good" may commit which fallacy?

no fallacy committed

logical fallacy called hasty generalization.

To understand why this statement is a hasty generalization, we need to analyze the logical structure of the argument:

1. All dogs hate cats. (First premise)
2. Sirius is a dog. (Second premise)
3. Therefore, Sirius hates cats. (Conclusion)

The fallacy occurs when the conclusion is drawn too quickly and without sufficient evidence or reasoning. The statement assumes that all dogs hate cats based on the first premise, which is an overgeneralization. Just because some dogs hate cats does not mean that all dogs hate cats.

To avoid this fallacy, we would need to provide additional evidence or reasoning to support the assertion that Sirius hates cats. It is essential to consider individual differences among dogs and not make assumptions about a specific dog based on a generalization about all dogs.