please check and correct if needed. thanks

you have coupon of $50 off your telephone purchase of $100 or more at bell store.
a. write a function relating phone purchase price after coupon, y, to the retail price, x . give the domain of this function
i wrote y => (100x - $50)
domain x=> 100

b. online offer of 40% discount off phone retail price x write a functio relating a phone purchase price , y, to the retail price , x, give the domain
f/y = x - {(x) times 40}
domain x > 0
thanks ann

a. y= x-50 if x>100, y=x if 0<x<99.99

b. y=.6x yours is the same thing.

Bob, thank you very much for your help. ann

a. To relate the phone purchase price after the coupon, y, to the retail price, x, you can use the function: y = x - $50. This equation represents the retail price minus the $50 discount from the coupon. The domain of this function would be x ≥ 100, as the coupon is applicable for purchases of $100 or more.

b. To relate the phone purchase price, y, to the retail price with a 40% discount, x, you can use the function: y = x - (x * 0.40). This equation represents the retail price minus the 40% discount. The domain of this function would be x > 0, as the discount can be applied to any positive retail price.