u, v, w are UNIT VECTORS. the angle between vector v and w is 35 degrees.

find (v+w-3v). NOTE: vector u and w are on opposite sides of vector v.

Something is not right in this question.

Are all 3 vectors coplanar?
Other than u is a unit vector, we have no other information about u.

besides that, ....
(v+w - 3v) would simply be w - 2v
How does u enter the picture???

To solve this problem, we need to understand some properties of unit vectors and vector addition.

First, let's consider the given information. We have three unit vectors: u, v, and w. A unit vector has a magnitude of 1 and points in a specific direction.

The angle between vector v and w is given as 35 degrees. This means that if we draw v and w starting from the same point, they form an angle of 35 degrees.

Vector addition is a way to combine two or more vectors to obtain a resultant vector. When adding vectors, we add their corresponding components.

Now, let's solve the given expression (v+w-3v). We will break it down into steps:

1. Subtract 3v:
Multiply vector v by 3, which gives 3v.
Subtract 3v from the original expression:
(v+w) - 3v

2. Add (v+w) - 3v:
Combining v and w, we get v+w.
Subtract 3v from v+w:
(v+w) - 3v

By substituting (v+w) - 3v into the expression, we get:

(v+w) - 3v = v+w-3v

Now, let's rearrange the expression to simplify it further:

(v+w) - 3v = (1v + 1w) - 3v

Since u, v, and w are unit vectors, they have magnitudes of 1. Therefore, we can rewrite the expression as:

(1v + 1w) - 3v = v + w - 3v

So, the expression (v+w-3v) simplifies to v + w - 3v.

Please note that since the question does not provide the specific values or directions of u, v, and w, we can only simplify the given expression but not calculate the final result.