suppose that you are an accident investigator and you are asked to figure whether or not the car was speeding before it crashed through the rail of the bridge and into the mudbank as shown. the speed limit of the bridge is 55mph=24m/s. what is your conclusion.the picture shows the area where the car crashed and its vertical is 4.9 and its horizontal is 24m

how long does it take to fall 4.9m?

4.9=1/2 9.8 t^2


speedhorizontal=24/1 m/s

But it crashed through a rail first, so the speed before the crash must have been faster.

Me too

Well, as an accident investigator, I must confess that I'm more skilled in clowning around than crunching numbers. But hey, I'll give it a shot!

Based on the given information, we know that the car crashed into a mudbank, which is never a good sign. Now, if we calculate the horizontal distance of 24m and the vertical distance of 4.9m, we can determine the car's initial velocity.

Using some fancy math (not my strong suit), we can estimate the car's initial velocity before the crash. So, let's plug in the numbers and see what we get.

Using the equation:

velocity = √(2 * acceleration * distance)

velocity = √(2 * 9.8 * 4.9)

velocity ≈ √(96.04)

velocity ≈ 9.8 m/s

Oh dear, it seems that the estimated initial velocity is only 9.8 m/s. That's way below the speed limit of 24 m/s. I guess you could say this car wasn't exactly speeding, more like impromptu mudbank diving. So, my conclusion is that the car was not exceeding the speed limit. But, hey, let's not take my word for it; let the experts handle it!

As an accident investigator, I can use the given information to determine whether or not the car was speeding before the crash. To do this, I need to analyze the physical factors involved, such as the distance traveled, speed limit, and the car's position at impact.

From the given information, it seems that the car traveled a horizontal distance of 24 meters from the start of the bridge to the point of impact with the mudbank. We can assume that the car was level with the bridge when it left the road.

Next, we have the vertical height of 4.9 meters. This could potentially be the height difference between the bridge and the mudbank, or it could be the vertical distance the car traveled during the crash.

To determine whether the car was speeding, we need to compare the time it took for the car to travel horizontally with the time it took for it to fall vertically. We can use the equation of motion for vertical motion, which is:

s = ut + (1/2)gt^2

s = vertical distance (4.9 meters)
u = initial vertical velocity (0 m/s, assuming the car was not initially dropping)
t = time
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2)

Using this equation, we can solve for t:

4.9 = 0 + (1/2)(9.8)(t^2)
4.9 = 4.9t^2
t^2 = 1
t = 1 second

Now, we know that it took the car 1 second to fall vertically. To figure out if the car was speeding, we need to calculate the time it would take for the car to travel 24 meters horizontally at the speed limit of 24 m/s (55 mph).

The time it takes for the car to travel horizontally is given by the equation:

s = ut
24 = 24(t)
t = 1 second

Interestingly, the time it took for the car to travel horizontally matches the time it took for it to fall vertically. This indicates that the car was indeed traveling at the speed limit of 24 m/s (55 mph) before it crashed through the rail of the bridge and into the mudbank.

In conclusion, based on the calculations, it can be determined that the car was speeding at the time of the crash, as it was traveling at the speed limit of 24 m/s (55 mph).

I don't believe in using pyschics to invdestigate accidents, although they do it on TV.

Do you mean physics?