Name the type of reaction that the equation represents?

2Cu + O2 -------> 2CuO

It is combination reaction

The given equation represents a chemical reaction between copper (Cu) and oxygen (O2) to form copper(II) oxide (CuO). This type of reaction is known as a synthesis or combination reaction.

To identify the type of reaction, you can follow these steps:

1. Look at the reactants and products: In this equation, the reactants are 2Cu (copper) and O2 (oxygen), while the product is 2CuO (copper(II) oxide).

2. Synthesis or combination reaction: A synthesis reaction occurs when two or more substances combine to form a single compound. In this case, copper and oxygen combine to form copper(II) oxide. Therefore, the reaction is a synthesis or combination reaction.

By analyzing the reactants and products, you can determine the type of reaction based on these general categories.

This is a synthesis reaction. Also, it is an redox reaction but synthesis is the word you want.

It is a combination and oxidation both type of chemical reaction