i not know how to expand my thought on love. i now realize that love not be unconditional. this only exist in fantasy, but in real life it not like this because you not be able to sacrifice yourself for someone else's sake, especially if they are doing a wrong thing. how i be able to expand on saying true love have passion, give strength and it be supportive?

I think you're on the way to expressing this just fine. Start with your own wording:

true love has passion

true love gives strength

true love is supportive

Make sure you are paying attention to subjects and their verbs. Make sure that singular subjects (such as "love") have matching singular verbs (such as "has," "gives," and "is").

thank you writeacher :)

Expanding your thoughts on love can be a personal and introspective journey. While it's true that unconditional love may be an idealized concept, it doesn't mean that love in real life lacks passion, strength, or support. To further explore these aspects, you can follow these steps:

1. Reflect on personal experiences: Consider moments when you felt loved or cared for deeply by someone. Think about how that love manifested itself and analyze the emotions, actions, and support that were involved.

2. Seek inspiration from examples: Look for examples in literature, movies, or real-life stories where love is portrayed as passionate, strong, and supportive. Pay attention to the characteristics, behaviors, and sacrifices made by individuals in the name of love.

3. Analyze relationships around you: Observe the dynamics of healthy relationships in your life, such as family, friends, or even role models. Identify the elements that contribute to their passionate, supportive, and strengthening bond. Consider the ways they communicate, show empathy, and offer assistance to each other.

4. Express your perspective: Once you've gathered insights from reflection, examples, and observations, write down your thoughts about how love can be passionate, supportive, and empowering. Use specific examples to illustrate your points and provide reasoning behind your claims.

5. Engage in discussion: Share your thoughts with trusted friends, family members, or even online communities who are open to discussing love and relationships. Pay attention to their perspectives, counterarguments, and insights. This will help you refine and expand your understanding of love further.

Remember, love is a complex and multifaceted emotion, and everyone's experiences and interpretations may vary. By reflecting, researching, and engaging with others, you can expand your understanding and articulate your thoughts on how love can be passionate, supportive, and empowering.